(1) I bought a house at Serenia Gardens (SG). Right now I am staying at Sri Kayangan(SK), Its at the left turning before Serenia Gardens. Both uses the Jln Ukay Perdana to get to MRR2
(2) I work in the KLCC area. Everyday i use the MRR2 and Ampang Elevated Highway to get to that side
(3) I wish to highlight the traffic condition to future owners of SG.
(4) The Jalan Ukay Perdana is the main access road to SG ( so far and i believe in the near future as well). That road condition is okay. It is not great, there are many small potholes along that road and when it is raining there will be a lot of water coming down from the top making that road extra slippery. Also, the road is rather taxing for a 10 year old Wira 1.3, expect to use second and third gear.
(5) When it rains sometimes there will be branches falling down on that road, my suggestion is to use to be aware and on the lookout while driving there.
(6)Also for there was 2 nights which i noticed that the road lights near the end of Jln Ukay Perdana ( before the turning to Jln Ukay perdana 2) had gone off. which means road users (me) had to climb up that hill using with only our headlights in the middle of the rain and with possible branches on the road.
(7) There's 2 exit from SG to MRR2. The Bukit Antarabangsa exit and the Kg. Pasir exit.
The Bkt Antarabangsa exit is only for for traffic heading to KL.
The Kg. Pasir exit gives the option of heading to KL - Gombak and Setiawangsa (straight up)
All of the exits will be jammed up by 6.50 am.
(8)On weekends when the roads are clear it will only take about 15 minutes to get to KLCC side from SG. On weekdays from my experience
If leave at 7.00 = 40 minutes.
If leave at 7.30 = 50 minutes
If leave after 7.50 = 50 to 60 minutes
Surprisingly the road becomes rather clear after 9 am. Therefore most probably the main traffic contributors are office workers heading to work in KL.
At the AKLEH in the morning, the jam will be at the AKLEH toll and the exits.
Coming back from work is about the same experience. Although i must state that that most of the time is wasted on getting to the AKLEH.
Once on the AKLEH it is quite smooth (about 10 minutes from KL to MRR2 exit). From the AKLEH exit its about another 15 minutes in the jam before reaching the Kg. Pasir exit heading to SG. Then its about 10 minutes of uphill drive to SG but thats the last stretch, no jam and the one i enjoy the most. the air in the evening is cooler than the air con and i would just roll down the windows and take a slow drive back to SK.
(9) If there's one compensation staying on that area, it feels suddenly you are no longer in KL hectic area and pace but in a suburb area with lots of plants and trees.
(10) Hopefully it'll remain that way.
i have no issues kalau nak kira distance dgn klcc sbb my hse is like so damn dekat with KLCC, i checked my car meter once and it's only 4.5km je :p kalau guna AKLEH tu bleh direct je park kat dlm klcc trus and kalau malas nak bawak kete, klcc is just 3 stops away from putra near my hse. hehehe :p
cuma bab nak membangun pagi tu yang teramattttlah liat :p
Hi Ronin,
I used to waste time like you also in the past. Me travel from Melawati to Pudu area. My suggestion is you should exit from Kg. Pasir & heading to Duke highway from the Carefour/Setiawangsa site & return to MRR2. You'll save some time. I reached Pudu area about 30-35 min .. always.:)
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