Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Orang Melayu Takut Bayang-Bayang,

Here's a theory,

(1)It is said that

(1) The Malays has no power but from being in the government.

(2) In a democracy system it is said that the government should be afraid of it's people.

(2) Hmm... Let me get this straight, in a democracy, the government should never be too strong, Otherwise it would be a tyrannical government who would oppress the people.

(3) On the other hand the Malays has ( unwittingly or not) cast their fortune with the government. Thus meaning their fortune depends on the government, If the government is weak so would they.

(4) Here's the irony, In a democracy the government should be too strong, otherwise it cannot be removed via the ballot box. the government would be a iron fist dictatorial government

(5) On the other hand, if one were to try to weaken the government, it would (assumed) to weaken the Malays.

(6) How would it weaken the Malays?,

For example, The mosques and the suraus maintenance comes from government coffers, the buildings of mosques and suraus also comes from government coffers. Compare this with the maintenance and buildings of other religions which are nearly wholly contributed from non governmental sources (read their own money)
Thus if any attempt to check the power of the government would be seen as a move to destroy the fortune of the Malays. This is but one of the example, others are abound

I do not think the fate of one race should be tied with A government, what would happen if THAT government were to be replaced.

(7) In a democracy it is expected that government would change hands should it fall out of the people's favour.

(8) Unfortunately another problem is that THAT government would also use the fact that the fortune of that race is tied up with that government as a propaganda. They would most probably in their desperation, play their race card and try to play the race saviour card.

(9) Most unfortunate, think about it.

Happy Rosh Hashanah

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