Sometimes i think the newspeople are lazy. They sit around in their office drinking lattes and collectively gathering fat up their asses.
Dont believe me ? Then just look at your TV screen. This war on Palestine thing....hey...isnt this reaalllyyyy old news....i mean...isnt this like from the 1960s or something.... come on man...cant they even recycle something more recent perhaps...along 1990s perhaps ? Just look at the images, isn't that look like a war 50 years ago ? Dont tell me they hadn't solved it by now...i mean....even World War 2 lasted for like what 5 years ?...
I mean, look at the pictures, it doesn't change at all. The Israel wears a full soldier fatigue with full automatic rifle, tanks , bombs. The Palestinian in civilian clothing with not a single firearm lying dead in the rubble, heck, even the storyline doesn't change. Palestinian threats, Israel retaliates in the name of peace,security, democracy and all that other feel good stuffs and saves the day.Man, They should probably hire some Bollywood scripwriter to spice things up. Bollywood is the big thing now, just look at Slumdog Millionaire.I mean come on, after 50 years of the same story it is looking pretty BORING !!!!...... Maybe they should have a love triangle in between. Just to add spice up. Maybe we should have America instead of being Israel's loyal lover we have America having a change of heart and fall in love with the Palestinian cause while dancing in a blanket of yellow daisies on top of the Swiss Alps a la the Sound of Music. High School Musical proves that if the talent is handsome enough,we wouldn't care if the story doesn't make sense.
This malaise from the news corporation doesn't seem to end at one station. You open up other station also it seems to be the same.
ITS THE SAME OLD BORING STORY SINCE THE 1940S ............... Please la give me something new,enough recycling of dead Palestinans, killing Israels, UN resolutions, Peace process, humanitarian aid, genocide, protest, If things goes on as it is I think i want to open my own news channel. Wouldnt be that hard. Just take some old pics and post it as headline. ISRAEL ATTACKS PALESTINE, ISRAEL MASSACRES HELPLESS PALESTINIANS. ISRAEL ATTACKS KILLS 10 , 9 OF WHICH ARE CHILDREN.....hey, know what...even the headline can be recycled ...isnt that what has been happening since 1950s?...hmmm...this is good business...all i need to do is to change the time and place, even then it wouldn't be that hard...maintain the title ...change the place to Rafa to Gaza, Ramallah, to Aqsa back to Rafa, sprinkle a bit of Aqsa again and tadaa its news...its easy business ....the name of the perpetrators and victims doesn't seem change. Its always Israel fires, Palestinian dies...great..thats one less work for my new news channel.
Also, lets not forget the deafening silence that seems to permeate from every other Arab countries regarding this latest genocide. Has Saudi Arabia lifted a finger....nope,Dubai with all of its wealth has it said anyghint ? nope, Qatar ? Oman ?, Hmmmm..... because these rich countries always shut up then there is less work for my tv station as i don't have to incur cost to do coverage about them.Maybe they don't even give a damn about whats happening to their own fellow muslims . (but then again do we Malaysians Muslims give a damn to the oppression that our fellow Thai Muslims been suffering ?)
Oh well.......Just another day in the holy know....for a holy sure does spill a heck lot of blood.....not to mention producing the same boring scripts over and over again
I hope you get the sarcasm.
I guess the sarcasm works the other way round; they're laughing at you because you're the one who demands such news and it is recycleable. It has been working for 50 years, so why should they stop ?
Unless we educate ourselves more instead of spitting blindly, perhaps even the Muslim Thais would not even have to throw tom yum everytime they feel 'hot'. MILF Philippines ? They even dont have the knowledge to make one of Imelda Marco's shoes.
The easiest job is just watching. Its time to shut off the TV.
Dear Anonymous
Thank you for taking the time to read.
Let me try to reiterate my stand to make things clear. Perhaps then you would have a better view of what i am trying to convey.
My stand on the matter is that it has been for way too long the news has not change.
I wake up in the morning and i turn on the news and all i see the palestinian being massacred, worse still, the fact of the matter is that this news DOES NOT CHANGE. ONLY THE TIME, NAME, AND PLACE CHANGES. Even then, it doesnt change too much at all, the names would still be Muslim names by the hundreds and thousands, the place would definitely be one of the Muslim areas, Rafa, Gaza, .....the only thing that seems to change is the ever more efficient method that the Israeli use in killing Muslims. It was the M16 the last it looks like the M4. ...also i see the Merkava looks like it has been upgraded ...more ...urban warfare ready ??...i dont know . im no war expert.
Ever since i got CNN from Astro in the 1990s the story of Palestine has not change. They are hunted like stray dogs. correction, even stray dogs gets more mercy as they dont get trapped to death inside a bombed building.
I am surprised when you state "because you're the one who demands such news and it is recycleable"
I can only guess the reason why you state that is because you didnt get the sarcastic tone i use. Its O.K . I will improve on my sarcasm the next time.
Ask yourself, since you first knew about the plight of the Palestine has there been any change to their suffering.?
If you do, let me know, i want to change to that channel too.
Dear Ronin. Rules of demand and supply exist; they supply the news because there's nothing can be done by everyone else by default. Therefore, no matter how high your level of sarcasm that you want to make, the moment you switch on the news, you're already the subject of their psycho-intimidation - 'since you're not making any news, here are the news'. To be exact, the sarcasm is on you on the very first place, from them. They don't even have to use M16 or whatever weapon to 'silence' you. From 1990's since you have Astro, you already dead for so many times.
Again, you shouldn't turn to whatever channel. You still just want to watch, conveniently get angry with cold beverages on the sofa ?
You make your own news. Israeli already made theirs'. How about you ? It takes more efforts than just being sarcastic at others, especially when you just 'passing' the 'responsibility' to others through sarcasm.
How different you are if you turn off the news in 2 days ? Wouldn't you be the same if you indulging the Palestinians plight for 48 hours ?
Demand and supply.
Dear Anonymous.
(1) Thank you for replying. I was prepared for people not getting the sarcasm but little did i expect for people not getting the idea. But hey, life’s like that. It is full of little pleasant surprises.
(2) Thank you for your attention to my blog. Maybe you might want to give me the address to your blog so that I can return the favour.
(3) Anyways, to start things off, firstly let's address this unique supply and demand theory of yours. You state “they supply the news because there's nothing can be done by everyone else by default. Therefore, no matter how high your level of sarcasm that you want to make, the moment you switch on the news, you're already the subject of their psycho-intimidation - 'since you're not making any news, here are the news”
Ok, Lets assume for a moment there it is the Israeli who is supplying the news on Palestine. (Although why on earth would the Israeli be telling the world of their own atrocities towards the helpless Palestinians is beyond my humble logic). Who is demanding for it ?. Me ?Rest of the world ? Martians ?. Reading between the lines of your v(a/o?)gue theory it seems that it is me or the rest of the world is the ones who are demanding for such news. Rest assured my dear friend, none of us demand for such news. Not now, not before, not ever. The only people that i can think of that demands for such unspeakable horror to be committed to the Palestinians are the Zionist regime themselves who sees the Palestinians as vermins of their rightful (really?) land.
(4) Now that is clarified, let us answer your next contention. That essentially i have not done enough to help the Palestinian cause. On that charge, I admit my guilt.
But so does the rest of the world should too. And the burden of guilt i believe should be spread in accordance to the power and wealth and capabilities of those being able to help. For example, poor guy like me probably should get about 0.1 % of the blame on the Palestinian issue as i can do very little to help the Palestinian. From where i am , i have to admit there is little i can do. And when i say “do” i mean things that are really meaningful in doing. Things like
a)Burning American/Israel flags
b)Protesting in front of embassies
c)Doing Seminars and Demonstrations against Palestine
d)Signing Letters of Protest against the America/Israel
e)Strapping oneself with bombs and becoming a suicide bomber.
Are NOT what i consider meaningful things. Why? because it doesn’t change a thing and America/Israel will not even bat an eyelid,.
Those who are in power and capable of making a change should bear a heavier burden in the Palestinan suffering. For example the kings who can build their own personal airports, why cant they take the Palestinians in and support their education/health until they can get back on their feet. They don’t have to take all of the Palestinians. Start small, how about a thousand ?. It is not like they are lacking in land, they have the whole desert to play with. Money ? They are swimming with money like Scrooge McDuck. They should be receiving a greater amount of guilt. Say 30 to 40 % ?.
But in the end you are right my dear Anon. I AM guilty in this Palestinian plight. I am guilty as much as you are in the Palestinian plight.
Let me know if you have served in the Palestinian refugee camp/ smuggled Palestinians out of Palestine. If you have then your guilt is less than mine.
Forgive me for the late reply, your deep suggestions requires me to stretch my imagination to connect the dots between your ideas.
(5)TO ALEX: Thanks for dropping by bro, yup i agree with you, they splurge money in the millions and billions in the English Premier League, when it comes to the Palestinian plight ???.....cold deafening silence.......
Dear Ronin. Thank you for your kind reply. As much as you didn't expect others to get the idea, other people might expect you didn't get theirs' neither. Life is fair indeed, and ain't it a surprise.
Reading between the lines from my own, the idea is not pointing fingers at you at all. Merely mirroring yourself, you yourself provided your own answers; what could you do at the end of the day without even lifting a finger at others, even at Arabs ? Reading between the lines again, 'news' is being controlled by the jews, and it is what feeds the world today. Just like what you said yourself in the post, the news station is the easiest job on the planet. And you should wonder why.
Can you even survive without Astro or tuning to the western news ? No need to rescue Palestinians or whoever that you see 'fit' to justify no-guilt by ownselves. No one even expect you to do more than that. Yet, here you are comparing what everyone else is doing by scaling how 'guilt' we are, and how one can sleep at night better with lesser guilt.
Demand and supply exist daily. You work because someone wants/needs you. You read news because you need it. There is news station because people needs it. By default, as previously mentioned, the 'news' is not of our own choice. Ergo, 'since youre not making any news, HERE ARE THE NEWS'. No matter how bitter it is, nothing sells like hot cakes when it comes to bad news. It takes no brainer to think that the Israelis purposely wants to spread the news to 1 billion muslims around the world about gaza.
Have you ever even consider why you're mad at them at the first place ? 1 billion get intimidated by few million jews and did 'nothing' ? yes, they owned the news and they're making their own news. 1 billion muslims ? still pointing fingers, and that should be the easiest job in the world.
arabs spending their money on soccer ? look who's the fan at mamaks. demand and supply, dear ronin.
if knowledge is the real power, perhaps pointing merely at the wealthy nations proved that we have not enough IQ to distinguish between currency and economy, between calculation and engineering, between art and value. from 9-5, our brains just work for monthly income. and because gaza's problem does not offer any 'return', just like watching soccer, every goals silenced every cry for them.
i came by to this site of yours not to condemning you in pretext, and perhaps the only favour that you should return is by judging yourself without self-verdict.
again, thank you for your reply.
Dear Anonymous
Thank you for replying.
Let me ask you this, in which I fervently hope by you answering ,we are able to do something which is actually MEANINGFUL in helping out the Palestnians.
(1) What can WE do to help our Palestinians brothers and sisters?
Your answer may be the start of something beautiful and the end of the Palestinian plight.
Just dont give me the usual pipe dreams. Heard that for far too long and far too many times on the news.
i guess there is someone out there who are being sarcastic on how we show compassion towards the palestinian. obviously, he or she does not share our mutual empathy with us. instead, he or she is being being someone like Kenny sia who look at the world with sarcasm.
he is at the losing end. not us.
therefore, just keep on a good work bro.
Dear Umar. If Ronin's sarcasm in the post ain't working on you, then I guess mine's works perfectly; either you're being selective to choose who's sarcasm can be applied (your friends or foe ?) or your empathy only works when your friend's sarcasm shares the same value as yours.
How much different you are when you're mad at person, or nations, practicing double-standards ?
Arabs as you alleged may spend their money wastefully, but your selectiveness has buried your knowledge & your principles alive.
Dear Ronin. These are questions that mirroring ourselves which need quick and real answers, not any other places of 'problems' that needs our 'solutions'. What can we do to help them ? Can we help ourselves first ?
As a start, would you stand by your principle or also being selective ? Can you answer the questions that you know you COULD answer before questioning anything that you could possibly remotely know how ?
Perhaps these answers will lead you on HOW to end Palestinian plight, and not WHAT. As you might know, by asking the right question, you'll get the right answer.
Dear Anon,
I was hoping against hope, knowing full well that many a times when the question is asked on what can be done to help the Palestinians the answers would be a disappointing one.
Yours turn out to be no better.
Oh well, maybe one day..
In the mean time, It seems that Mercy Malaysia had donated ambulance and posted two doctors to Palestine. Now thats what i say a definite help to the Palestine, something concrete, tangible, and definitely working.
It may not solve the current Palestinian plight but it surely will save lives.
I will pledge my help to MERCY MALAYSIA. At least it will definitely help to solve the Palestinian people.
Hope you would do the same or even greater my dear Anon, it will be a giant leap forward from where you are at now.
Mercy Malaysia Palestine Relief Mission report
Source: Malaysian Medical Relief Society (MERCY)
Date: 21 Jan 2009
According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) at least 1300 people have been killed since 27 December, including 410 children and 104 women. Approximately 5300 Palestinians have been injured, including at least 1855 children and 795 women
OCHA estimates up to 100 000 people may have been displaced.
(Source: Palestinian MoH, WHO, OCHA)
MERCY Malaysia has had four teams (comprising mainly of logistics personnel and medical specialists) sent for the Palestine Relief Mission and four consignments worth USD 400,000 delivered into Gaza. Some of the medicines consist of sedative agents, antibiotics, intravenous solutions and pain killers, among others.
Dear Ronin. Thanks for replying, but thank you very much for displaying how much of our mentality are still the same; asking something that beyond our own admittance of self-weakness by questioning something else that self-distinguish yourself and other people by comparing who can sleep better at night.
Your choice of helping out Mercy is totally yours and your responsibility alone, and no 'rating' is needed for your 'solution'. Perhaps your girlfriend, your parents, your neighbour or your close friends should be rated by you by foremost, and see how they would react. To ask them to join together and to 'rate' whether 'i am doing better than you' are two different kind of things. Have you tried on them ? Don't go far before you can walk out of the house.
And perhaps maybe one day, you would judge yourself without giving out self-verdict. Whether you know yourself is a good man or wanted to be told that you're good, its your call.
I rest my case.
what's the matter with chicken-anon?
i guess, he is no different than any other races in malaysia who couldn't care less on palestinian issues.
they do not share the 'brotherhood' spirit in our religion bro.
but, i remember there is one time when the muslims NGO donated thousands of ringgit to sichuan eartquakes' victim not long time ago.quite a big sum i would say.
we can choose to ignore them.
but we did not. because we understand their plight.
in palestinian issue, they are blinded by BBC, CNN, CNBC yada yada yada. i bet they never saw al jazeera because their conscience told them not to believe in al jazeera.
just ignore him and believe what you do bro.
some ppl trying to be like stupid kenny sia- sarcasm without border.
I am glad to see that my piece on my Palestinian brothers and sisters are getting attention.
To Anonymous, thank you for your kind input in the matter. Let us know if you are taking any action to help our Palestinian ummah, Insya Allah, we will help with what we can.
To Umar, We do what we can to help out our fellow brothers. Because at the end of the day it is not what we have that will be counted in the Judgment day, but what we have given. And yes i agree with you bro that al jazeera do give a more accurate and on the ground nwes rather than the sanitized and pro Zionist news from the CNN. Makes me sick to hear that they justify bombarding a school because they suspect it harbours terrorists. It is just plain sick.
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