Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Futility Of the Palestine Future ?

(1) The Palestinians throw stones, The Israelis throw grenades

(2) The Palestinians use explosive cars, The Israels use main battle tanks

(3) The Palestinians use rockets, The Isrelis sends airstrikes

(4) Its a wonder why Palestinians keep on fighting, i wonder why they fight it that way ?

(5) Wouldnt it be better if they just pack up and leave? For a better tomorrow ?

(6) I guess i wouldnt know until i am on the ground myself

(7) But, for me, if you want to build a nation, build a school

(8) Thank you shun for teaching me that.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

H.I.D.U.P (L.I.F.E)

(1) Have we ever paused in our life and ask ourself what is it that we want from life. What do we want to do?

(2) I have asked around and am surprised by the number of people who havent asnwered this question.

(3) One of them was already in his 60s

(4) Some answered that they are not willing to because of commitments. Family, housing loan, mortgages, career. uncertainty.

(5) I am thankful to Allah for he has given me this sight (pedoman), at least He gave me this idea (ilham) to ask myself what do i want to do in this lfe.

(6) At least i am not drifting along in life.

(7) Or to put it more correctly, i am drifiting no more in life. I have a purpose. I have seen my purpose. I have seen my goal, my aim , my ambition.

(8) Life is surely is diffrent when you have an ambition. You walk with a purpose. You talk with a purpose , you think with a purpose.

(9) What Im trying to say here is that, stop for a while , ask yourself, what do you want from life, what do you want to do in life ?

(10) Are you doing what you like/love in life ? or are you just coasting/following what people say/ follow the flow and ebbs of life.

(11) Life is more meaningful when you know what you want and strive towards it.

(12) In the words of a book which i have yet to buy (:P) There's too many people in this life doing half hearted job because they are half hearted in their commitment. Do something which you find passion in. (ok the last one was mine)

(13) Live Life, Youre gonna live once.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Congratulations Umar

(1) Umar and Mas is married.

(2) They have achieved what they have always dream of.

(3) Congratulations.

(4) Living life chasing your dream is what everyone suppose to be doing. Even if it looks so impossible to achieve but as long as you are striving towards it, no matter how far you are, so long as you strive towards it, you are one step closer in achieving it.

(5) At least that is what i tell myself.

(6) One step at a time.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Mamat mana nih(Who the heck is this guy)....

(1) Mamat mana nih(Who the heck is this guy)....That was initially on my mind

(2) Then i realised it was shah rukh khan wearing baju melayu and songkok.

(3) He he

(4) Somehow the whole issue of refusing to wear songkok now seems trivial isnt it....